My Position Description

For anyone who may have an interest, below is a brief position description for the Vice Provost for Economic Development and Technology Ventures job, as defined by the Provost Office in my offer letter. Acronyms in the original!

The VPEDTV acts as the Institute’s Chief Economic Development Officer, reporting directly to the Senior Vice Provost for Research and Innovation (SVPRI) representing the Institute in all related matters. In consultation with the SVPRI, Deans, and Provost, the duties of the VPEDTV are, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Provide direction and leadership for the Enterprise Innovation Institute’s (EI2) culture, mission, strategy, and annual goals/objectives;
  2. Assure that the EI2 mission, programs, and services are relevant to the Institute, its sponsors, and stakeholders;
  3. Represent the Institute on economic development policy with the General Assembly and Governor’s Office;
  4. Assume responsibility for overall management of the Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC) Seed Capital Fund, and as such serve as “Director of ATDC”;
  5. Provide leadership and visibility to maintain the Institute’s role as the public catalyst for entrepreneurship and commercialization by aggressively pursuing alternative funding sources to support a comprehensive programmatic approach;
  6. Assist the SVPRI in related duties, as needed

The GT website announcement is at


  1. An admirable goal would be to reduce the use of acronyms used by your organization. 🙂