Well, it’s time to start blogging again. Twitter has robbed much of the time and mental energy that I used to devote to this blog, but maybe the Great Coronavirus Pause is a good opportunity to add some new content.
In the meantime, though, I decided to log into my domain management account and bozhe moi! I have a bunch of domains that I registered (and have been auto-renewing) for projects that never took off, or got shut down. I don’t particularly need any of these anymore, so if you’re interested, let me know. (Not trying to make any money; I’ll just transfer them to you, and you can pick up the renewal fees whenever the current term expires.)
Any interest? I am offering:
- arizonaspace.org
- arizonaspacebusiness.com
- arizonaspacecenter.com
- arizonaspacecenter.org
- arizonaspaceinstitute.com
- arizonaspaceinstitute.org
- atlanta.cat
- azspace.online
- carly2020.com
- carly2024.com
- cherokeeventures.com
- delta-vee.com
- digital-dixie.com
- digital-dixie.net
- digital-dixie.org
- dixieventures.com
- errandsmith.com
- innovation-advisor.com
- innovationdiamond.com
- monopropellant.com
- nationalacademyofinnovation.biz
- nationalacademyofinnovation.com
- nationalacademyofinnovation.net
- nationalacademyofinnovation.org
- nationalacademyofinnovation.us
- slidedreck.com
- space-u.org
- spaceportgeorgia.com
- spaceportgeorgia.net
- spaceportgeorgia.org
- startupdiamond.com
- technologysquareclub.com
- thespace.university
- thespaceu.com
- tripropellant.com
- tucsonspace.biz
- tucsonspace.online
- ua-innovation.org
- uainnovation.org
(Yes, I thought Carly Fiorina had a shot at being someone’s VP in 2016. Turns out to have been a bad bet.)
Let me know if you’re interested in any of these; otherwise, I’ll just let them expire.