Sand Hill, Georgia

California is proud of Sand Hill Road. Well, we have a Sand Hill in Georgia, too! And ours is even BETTER. On the West Coast, all you can get is venture capital money. But at the Sand Hill Grocery and Gameroom, you can play pinball, then buy live bait and ammo! :-) … [Read more...]

Travel Lessons Learned

This was written as part of my earlier post on our South Africa trip, but that was getting over-long, so I decided to split it out. Trying to record some "lessons learned" about travel preparation for long trips, with an emphasis on digital photography.Laptop Yeah, bring it. It's heavy and awkward and fragile, but I was able to download pictures … [Read more...]

South Africa Diary

For people who are interested, this is a classic "What I did on my summer vacation" post. If you are interested, click below to read more. If not, go on to your next RSS feed... … [Read more...]

South Africa

In case anyone wonders why I've been so silent on the blogs and on Twitter lately... click here.Back in a week or so. Happy Fiscal New Year! … [Read more...]

Happy Independence Day!

Hope everyone had a safe and exciting holiday.I'm off to Kansas City for the Heinlein Centennial. Back on Monday. … [Read more...]