Two weeks ago, I was invited to Washington DC for the National Science Foundation's one-year celebration of the I-Corps program. NSF is one of the largest funding sources for science and engineering research in the world, investing over $7 billion last year. I-Corps (or "Innovation Corps") is an incredibly ambitious effort to increase the impact … [Read more...]
Atlanta Magazine “Groundbreaker” Award
We got some nice coverage in Atlanta magazine this month as one of eleven "Groundbreakers" in helping to transform the city. Here's the cover and pages 76-77 of the August 2012 issue. … [Read more...]
Tech High Forced to Close
TECH HIGH SCHOOL FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 6, 2012 Massive Funding Cut Forces Successful Atlanta Charter High School to Close Its Doors Atlanta -- Atlanta’s Tech High, the successful 8-year-old math-, science- and technology-oriented charter high school in the Atlanta Public Schools system, is being forced to close its doors amid an unanticipated … [Read more...]
Reinventing Workforce Development
I just returned from the annual Southern Growth Policies Board meeting, which was held in Chattanooga this year. The topic was "Reinventing Workforce Development" and it was fascinating to hear how much opinions have shifted on this topic in just a couple of years. … [Read more...]
“That’s Not How Our Constitution is Written”
I agree with every word that President Obama says in this excerpt from a speech to La Raza just under a year ago (July 25, 2011): … [Read more...]
Alexander Hamilton and Android Phones
So this article is making the news today: Researchers find backdoor on ZTE Android phones The summary is that "Two mobile phones, developed by Chinese telecommunications device manufacturer ZTE, have been found to carry a hidden backdoor, which can be used to instantly gain root access with a password, that has been hard-coded into the … [Read more...]
Atlanta Science Tavern Lecture
I've been invited to speak at the Atlanta Science Tavern on 13 June, 2012. I'll be speaking on "Hydrogen Cars, Ethanol, Wind Farms, and other Silly Ideas." You can sign up to attend here. … [Read more...]
Revenue Diversification 2012
Since the state budget cuts began to bite EI2 in earnest a few years ago, one of our responses has been to look for new sources of revenue. … [Read more...]
Drug Labelling
I got into a Facebook debate last night with some very smart, well-informed, and well-meaning individuals... but I think they are completely wrong. The trigger event was the FDA voting to remove certain formulations of painkillers from the pharmacy. Here's the link: I understand liver failure due to acetaminophen … [Read more...]
Go Get an Asteroid!
So it appears that a group of billionaires are going to announce the first asteroid mining company tomorrow. (You don't need me to repeat the news here. Visit and follow their Twitter account @PlanetaryRsrcs.) Buried deep in this site, you might stumble across a Letter to the Editor that the Washington Post … [Read more...]