
Random Quote Widget for Blogspot

I have a lot of quotations collected, and I'm always harvesting more. I've collected them in various databases over time, from hand-rolled FileMaker to things like EagleFiler and Yojimbo.

The problem was that, if I wanted to share them with anyone, I had to somehow export them and reformat them as HTML, then post that on the Web somewhere, and then update that HTML whenever I found new quotes, and… ugh. I wanted a way to generate a single random quote, and to do it on this blog (which, at that time, was hosted by Google Blogger/Blogspot).

Click this button and follow the instructions on the next page:

That's it; you should see a widget similar to the one on AcademicVC on your own Blogger page.

If you want to know how it works—perhaps you dislike my raving-libertarian streak and want to use your own selection of quotes—read more here.

And, yes, I imagine that I’ll consolidate the code into a WordPress widget soon…