Archives for December 2010

Thank you, City of Atlanta

Thank you, City of Atlanta, for fixing our broken water main on this bitterly cold night. But, temporarily "Yuck!" via twittelator … [Read more...]

Batdorf & Bronson – coffee and chocolate tasting

Aaron, coffee geek extraordinaire, waxes eloquent … [Read more...]

Consumerism run amok

Consumerism run amok. Christmas catalogs at our house: via twittelator … [Read more...]


Someone with one clock knows what time it is. Someone with two clocks is never sure. What can be said of clocks can be said of calendars as well. In EI2, we actually have three calendars, so we never know what time of year it is! The obvious one is the "real" calendar. December is the 12th month, and all the dimestore calendars are running … [Read more...]