Angry Birds Challenge

I’ve been spending way too much time with Angry Birds lately.  One of the variant games (Angry Birds Seasons) has been releasing one new level every day, and I can’t go to sleep until I get three stars. I haven’t updated this post yet, but I have three stars on every level released so far from the basic game and both the Seasons and Rio variants. I’m not sure whether to be proud or horrified.

Anyhow, I’ve gotten some decently high scores this week and decided to see if anyone else reading this has gotten anything similar. It’s also a test—since I’m intentionally not linking this to a tweeted category—to see if anyone other than me ever finds this page without Twitter.

So, here are my high scores on selected levels of Angry Birds Seasons, “Summer Pignic” (2011):

(Can you tell that the black bird is my favorite? I guess I just like blowing stuff up…)

Can anyone match those?


  1. Melissa Craig says

    Here I am looking for Angel Readiness information for Accounts Payable and what do I find something on Angry Birds 🙂 I love it. I am addicted as well! I refuse to move on without all 3 stars!

  2. I blame you for my current addiction.


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