Archives for 2014

I Made Drudge!

So, yesterday I read a news story about a Tampa woman jailed for feeding bears. (She's an idiot. But there are ways of dealing with idiots that don't involve throwing 81-year-old women into jail without bond. Somebody in the chain of events should have found one of those ways.) … [Read more...]

Snowjam ’82 and the Birth of an Entrepreneur

So it's 60°F outside and it's hard to believe that Snowjam 2014 started barely 100 hours ago. It was a bad time for Atlanta, and I am grateful for all the kind generous people who worked tirelessly to help their neighbors and complete strangers. This is a wonderful city. There are lots of stories out there about what happened and why it got so … [Read more...]


I have been called many things in my career. This is the first time I've been called "indefatigable." That image to the right is a snapshot of a page in the February 2014 issue of Atlanta magazine. It's actually quite a nice compliment, and I appreciate the editorial staff there for including me. And since I just celebrated my 19th anniversary … [Read more...]

Top Ten Technologies for 2014

To kick off the new year, I prepared a list of the Top Ten Technologies for our friends at the Atlanta Business Chronicle. The limitations of smearing ink on dead trees forced the newspaper to cut the list down to five. But electrons are cheap. Just for completeness, here's my original Top Ten, with special attention to how they'll impact … [Read more...]