It surprises people that, as a well-assimilated Apple fanboy, I didn't buy the first generation iPhone. I was in the store on launch day, I had one in my hand, my credit card was burning a hole in my pocket... and I left without one. I used my Treo for nearly another year until the 2nd generation iPhone (confusingly named 3G) was released. I wasn't … [Read more...]
An Afternoon with Micky Bly
On a beautiful spring day last week, I was lucky enough to meet Micky Bly, a 1990 Georgia Tech BSME graduate, and the man in charge of the Chevy Volt. His General Motors business card reads, somewhat splendiferously, "Group Global Executive Director, Global Electrical Systems, Infotainment, and Electrification." … [Read more...]
Take the Money
After my post on the JOBS Act last night, I got an email from a friend with a good question. As I composed an answer, I realized it might be of general interest, so I'm putting it here. … [Read more...]
The JOBS Act
I was asked to write "a few sentences" about the JOBS Act for another website. Since I found myself with over 500 words, I decided to post it here. In today's political climate, it's hard to believe that a major bipartisan reform has passed both houses of Congress and -- as I type this on Wednesday night -- is scheduled to be signed by the … [Read more...]
Buying a Coal-Powered Car
I'd read all the news stories about NHTSA-induced fires, laughed at all the jokes, and watched Newt Gingrich claim that "You can't put a gun rack in a Chevy Volt." (Wrong.) But I also read "Car Guys vs. Bean Counters" by Bob Lutz, who knows more about the automobile business than anyone alive... and who proudly declares himself to be the father … [Read more...]
Eating Our Own Dogfood
At the last quarterly meeting, we spent a bit of time talking about and what we're trying to do to promote health and wellness inside EI2. There was a lot of discussion, and we've gathered even more information from those of you who responded to the survey. Nearly half of you have signed up and completed the initial online … [Read more...]
Traffic: What the Heck Do I Want?
Derek Edwards found my ancient post Packets beat Circuits and wrote this response. I replied in his comment stream, but decided to duplicate my comment here on my own blog. … [Read more...]
How Doug Osheroff Changed My Life
Yesterday, I got to meet Doug Osheroff, Nobel Prize winner in Physics. At the reception before his lecture at Georgia Tech, I got to shake his hand and say "I'm glad to meet you. In 1981, you changed my life." You have to admit, it is a good way to hook someone into a conversation! … [Read more...]
Flashpoint: The First Cohort
During January, the first class of Flashpoint graduates pitched their businesses at three events in Atlanta, New York City, and Menlo Park, California. I've written about Flashpoint before, but I find that a lot of EI2 employees still ask "So does Flashpoint compete with ATDC? Is it replacing VentureLab?" Now that we've seen our first results, it's … [Read more...]
Suggestions for Noteshelf
I own fourteen stylus-based notetaking apps for the iPad. (Yes, I'm obsessive. Trying to recreate my long-lost Newton experience.) I love Noteshelf for the iPad, but there are some parts of the user experience that could use some work. This post is aimed at Fluidtouch tech support. Fingers crossed! … [Read more...]