ATDC Open Forum Follow-up

We had two incredible open forum sessions yesterday to discuss the future of ATDC. The Hodges Room was pretty much filled both times, so I suspect nearly 200 people took the time to come down and share their ideas with us. … [Read more...]

Knudsen numbers

One of the reasons Bud Peterson rocks as the new president of Georgia Tech: When walking him down to the lobby after our all-employee meeting yesterday, we ran into Ken Stewart (Commissioner of Economic Development), and had a brief but useful conversation. I mentioned how great it was to have so many related functions in the Centergy building, … [Read more...]

What’s Our Name?

Preparing for Dr. Peterson's visit next week, I've been asked "so what's our official abbreviation"? When the Enterprise Innovation Institute was formed four years ago, Martha Schoonmaker made a valiant attempt to ban any sort of abbreviation. But it's ten syllables, and humans are lazy, and some sort of short form was … [Read more...]

Midtown Block Party

Midtown Atlanta neighborhood block party... hotter than hell, but a lot of fun! … [Read more...]

Posted from Seat 4B…

...just because I can! In-flight Wi-Fi is cool. … [Read more...]

Photographers Needed!

EI2 is looking for a few good photographers — people who can help document what the organization is doing to help companies and communities all around Georgia. In the past, we've paid professionals to do this... in line with the new austerity, I decided to shake the tree a little and see what's available among our own staff and friends. … [Read more...]

Why Are We Doing This?

So by now you've seen the press release about reorganizing ATDC, VentureLab, and the SBIR Assistance Program under the single banner of ATDC. And that we're throwing open the doors of ATDC to all technology entrepreneurs in Georgia. This is different. … [Read more...]

Rebooting the ATDC Franchise

Below is the text of a press release that Georgia Tech will send out on Monday, 27 July 2009. … [Read more...]

EI2 Visibility

I met with Dene Sheheane, Georgia Tech's director of state government relations, today on some issues regarding EI2 and the state of Georgia... and he volunteered some interesting information about Bud Peterson. … [Read more...]

Parking Deck Information

After the collapse of part of the E82 parking deck, a number of Atlanta employees have expressed quite logical concerns about the E81 deck that we are all now using. … [Read more...]