As a reminder, the second running of the Startup Gauntlet is this Wednesday, October 29th, at 5:30 pm. We're going to be in the 2nd floor ATDC Connections Room this time.Read my previous post about it here. The first running was great fun, and attracted nearly a dozen entrepreneurs. We're expecting more this week. Sign up now!Remember, you have … [Read more...]
Rich de Millo party
Chris Klaus (ISS, Kaneva), Mary Alice Isele (GT), Tom Noonan (ISS, Tech Operators), Marek Rusinkiewicz (Telcordia), John Imlay (ISS), and Mike Cote (SecureWorks) at Chris' house for a party honoring Rich de Millo, who is stepping down as Dean at the College of Computing at Georgia Tech. … [Read more...]
Sand Hill, Georgia
California is proud of Sand Hill Road. Well, we have a Sand Hill in Georgia, too! And ours is even BETTER. On the West Coast, all you can get is venture capital money. But at the Sand Hill Grocery and Gameroom, you can play pinball, then buy live bait and ammo! :-) … [Read more...]
Lousy Presentations
So, like 450 other people, I attended VentureAtlanta last week. For a first-time event, I was impressed. Things were well-organized, they ran on time, and a lot of out-of-town VC friends showed up with checkbooks.Wednesday was great, with investor-focused events featuring ATDC and VentureLab companies. Then there were two major presentations on … [Read more...]
What if Apple built an alarm clock?
So I'm in a hotel room this morning, planning to sleep late, and I was awakened by the hotel room alarm clock at 7:00 am. It was dark. I hadn't set it the night before, so I had no clue as to where the buttons and switches were positioned. I hammered on the top, I slid switches on the side, I seriously contemplated just smashing the damned thing … [Read more...]
Phi Beta Kappa
I got into a discussion about Georgia Tech academics the other day, when I mentioned how difficult the undergraduate curriculum was. The other person (who graduated from a state university that shall remain nameless) retorted with "Well, Tech doesn't even have a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa!" That's true. We don't. And I started digging into why. … [Read more...]
MacBook RAM
Haven't seen anybody talking about it yet, but apparently the new MacBook/MacBook Pro have followed the lead of the MacBook Air, and there is no user-upgradeable RAM. That's a shame. In the world of bloated code, I guess I will have to be satisfied with 4 GB of RAM. HP and Dell will both sell me a notebook with 8 GB. That's sad. (And I know … [Read more...]
iPhone Typos
The key to typing quickly on the iPhone is to trust the autocorrect. I'm faster on this slab of glass than I was on my beloved Treo keyboard. But sometimes the autocorrect guesses wrong. Unless I get involved in the Christmas tree business, I'm unlikely to ever type the word 'fir.'. But I type 'for' all the time. And I can't imagine ever … [Read more...]
The late, great Jim Baen used to talk about "ludic readers" and how they would transform his business of book publishing. He used the term to distinguish something that people would use to read for fun, rather than things they were paid to read (like technical manuals, 10-K filings, etc.).I always thought it was a silly name. "Ludic" means … [Read more...]