Archives for August 2009

The Future Home of Ignition Alley

The future home of Ignition Alley... I especially like the "Door to Nowhere" on the second floor! … [Read more...]

Back to the Moon?

Forty years after Apollo, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution wanted to run a brief pro/con on "Should we go back to the Moon?" They called Georgia Tech. I volunteered to do "No," and Dr. Loewy from our School of Aerospace Engineering volunteered for "Yes." The catch: a tight limit of 150 words. That's hard. … [Read more...]

iPhone snapshots

See the full gallery on Posterous … [Read more...]

ATDC Open Forum Follow-up

We had two incredible open forum sessions yesterday to discuss the future of ATDC. The Hodges Room was pretty much filled both times, so I suspect nearly 200 people took the time to come down and share their ideas with us. … [Read more...]

Knudsen numbers

One of the reasons Bud Peterson rocks as the new president of Georgia Tech: When walking him down to the lobby after our all-employee meeting yesterday, we ran into Ken Stewart (Commissioner of Economic Development), and had a brief but useful conversation. I mentioned how great it was to have so many related functions in the Centergy building, … [Read more...]

What’s Our Name?

Preparing for Dr. Peterson's visit next week, I've been asked "so what's our official abbreviation"? When the Enterprise Innovation Institute was formed four years ago, Martha Schoonmaker made a valiant attempt to ban any sort of abbreviation. But it's ten syllables, and humans are lazy, and some sort of short form was … [Read more...]

Midtown Block Party

Midtown Atlanta neighborhood block party... hotter than hell, but a lot of fun! … [Read more...]

Posted from Seat 4B…

...just because I can! In-flight Wi-Fi is cool. … [Read more...]