So I spent the day today at StartupRiot.First off, hats off to Sanjay Parekh for pulling this all together. It was better organized and better run than a lot of "mature" events run by professional conference organizers. And I don't know what he used to threaten the speakers with, but people actually stayed within their three minute slots!(I want … [Read more...]
Call for Companies to "Run It By the Pros"
The MIT Enterprise Forum of Atlanta is hosting a “Run It By The Pros” member only workshop. This event is typically attended by 50-55 students, entrepreneurs, services providers and investors. There is a panel of experts from the area of funding early stage companies. The panel will give constructive feedback to the presenters. The main … [Read more...]
Entrepreneurs’ Showcase on May 15th
I know that I promised to keep the Georgia Tech stuff on the other blog, but since I have a number of readers here who may not have subscribed over there yet:The annual ATDC/VentureLab showcase is next week, and it's going to be our best ever! Check it out, and RSVP soon! … [Read more...]
Raising Capital: Part 12
Type your summary hereThis is a continuation of a previous set of posts and is twelfth in a series. If I type fast enough, this will be the last installment! … [Read more...]
Raising Capital: Part 11
This is a continuation of a previous set of posts and is eleventh in a series. … [Read more...]
Georgia Senate Bill 80
Okay, I'm going to talk about local politics for a bit. Those of you reading this outside of the state of Georgia can skip this post.Georgia is a fabulous place to call home, but trying to grow high-tech businesses in the Deep South has a few challenges that you just don't encounter elsewhere in the country. One is the lack of local venture … [Read more...]
Raising Capital: Part 10
This is a continuation of a previous set of posts and is tenth in a series. … [Read more...]
Raising Capital: Part 09
This is a continuation of a previous set of posts and is ninth in a series. … [Read more...]
Blogging Setup Assistance in Atlanta?
Met this morning with Allyson Eman, who is the newly-hired Executive Director for VentureAtlanta, a major VC event being held 15-16 October, 2008. (Their Website is pretty minimal so far, but you can read about it here.)I told Allyson she needs to start blogging to reach the new generation of entrepreneurs who don't read the Atlanta Business … [Read more...]
ATDC/VentureLab Showcase
Save the date! The annual ATDC/VentureLab graduation ceremony and entrepreneur's showcase will be on May 15, 2008, at the Biltmore Hotel. More details when they're available, but anyone interested in being a sponsor, please contact me or Melissa Zbeeb before the slots are all gone...Add it to your calendar now! … [Read more...]