MacBook RAM

Haven't seen anybody talking about it yet, but apparently the new MacBook/MacBook Pro have followed the lead of the MacBook Air, and there is no user-upgradeable RAM. That's a shame. In the world of bloated code, I guess I will have to be satisfied with 4 GB of RAM. HP and Dell will both sell me a notebook with 8 GB. That's sad. (And I know … [Read more...]

iPhone Typos

The key to typing quickly on the iPhone is to trust the autocorrect. I'm faster on this slab of glass than I was on my beloved Treo keyboard. But sometimes the autocorrect guesses wrong. Unless I get involved in the Christmas tree business, I'm unlikely to ever type the word 'fir.'. But I type 'for' all the time. And I can't imagine ever … [Read more...]


The late, great Jim Baen used to talk about "ludic readers" and how they would transform his business of book publishing. He used the term to distinguish something that people would use to read for fun, rather than things they were paid to read (like technical manuals, 10-K filings, etc.).I always thought it was a silly name. "Ludic" means … [Read more...]

Turn your iPhone into a Digital Wallet

I just counted. I have 21 plastic cards in my wallet... credit cards, ID cards, membership cards, you name it. And there are four barcode tags dangling from my car keys.Being a geek, I keep all the relevant numbers encrypted in my Palm Treo (using SplashID... I really hope they're doing an iPhone version!), but rattling off a ten-digit number … [Read more...]

iPhone Thoughts

Oh, heck, every other blog out there is talking about the iPhone, so I guess I can, too...First thought — has anyone else noticed that the Apple screenshots all have the carrier displayed at the top as "AT&T" in capital letters? Instead of the preciously lowercased "at&t" that I see out of my window at night. So did Steve Jobs and … [Read more...]